The Yapawarnti Vision
Leedal in January 2010 created a not-profit- charitable fund, called the Yapawarnti Fund as an Incorporated Association under the Associations Incorporation Act, Western Australia 1987, to invest directly in the youth of the Fitzroy Valley, with an emphasis on the children living in our beneficiary communities.
The Yapawarnti Fund Inc. is all about the young people of the Fitzroy Valley. It is about making ‘real’ change that is lasting, creating role models, breaking the mould and empowering communities to participate in the process. The Fund aims to provide very real opportunities for our youth.
Yapawarnti as previously stated is a not-for-profit organisation and is based in Fitzroy Crossing. The Fund has a clear focus to generate positive outcomes for the communities in the Fitzroy Valley that will contribute to the social development of the region.
The Fund has developed a strong corporate structure that harnesses expertise and experience from within relevant fields complemented by local representation from the beneficiary communities of the Fitzroy Crossing Trust.
The members of the Fund are the Directors of Leedal Pty Ltd.
The Fund, as advised above, was established for the purpose of developing and supporting projects and initiatives in the Fitzroy Valley with a strong emphasis on youth. It could be argued that many departments and organisations are already delivering programs and services in this field, however in many cases these are not hitting the mark and others just don’t exist. The Fund aims to play a key role if ‘filling the gaps’ through alternative models and programs developed in partnership with the beneficiary communities.
Yapawarnti is aware that it alone cannot resolve all of the youth issues in our community. We are developing key partnerships with other organisations which have a track record of delivering successful programs.

What we do
One of the goals of Yapawarnti is to facilitate, support and coordinate projects, initiatives and activities that will provide social benefits to the beneficiary communities of the Fitzroy Valley.
It has a strong emphasis on youth: Yapawarnti in local language means “lots of children”.
The types of activities Yapawarnti wants to support are:
- Economic projects and industries
- Education and training
- Cultural, moral, recreational and social well-being programs
- Vocational training and employment

Make a Donation
The Yapawarnti Fund is a non-profit Incorporated Association based in Fitzroy Crossing. It aims to improve the wellbeing of Fitzroy youth, those living in town and surrounding communities, by investing in programs and activities that provide them with social, recreational, educational and other benefits.
To make a donation to the Yapawarnti Fund, you can make a direct payment via:
Account name: Yapawarnti Fund
Account Number: 417567694
BSB Number: 016554
For more information please call 08 9191 5004 or contact us